Why do I need piles in the first place?
Our Advantages: ACIP vs Driven
Although each pile type has it's specific advantages/disadvantages depending on site location and soil conditions, ACIP piling are more often selected for projects located in congested areas.
Why Choose us?
The majority of our work is through repeat business or referrals. We do not maintain a fleet of salesmen roaming the countryside.
Diffrent from others
Our Proposals are tailored to your specific project and site conditions. We would rather discuss potential issues up front rather than argue about them later on.
Typical Rig Configurations
How It Works
ACIP piling are constructed by:
1) Augering into the ground to a specific depth or penetration criteria as determined by the soils engineer.
2) Once the criteria is met, concrete grout is pumped through the hollow auger stem.
3) The auger stem is slowly withdrawn to the surface while maintaining positive grout pressure.
4) The top of the pile is cleaned of debris, formed, and reinforcing steel is inserted.